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3 Simple Email Etiquette Tips to Impress

Start Email Etiquette with these simple tips.

Another way to think of email etiquette is that it is a courtesy thing. Email etiquette allows you to control how the other side will perceive your actions and words by the words you choose and how you present them.

Some make the mistake of thinking email is the same as texting or IM. But, unfortunately, it isn’t. Every email you send reflects your level of education and ability to communicate with the written word.

Educated Communicators

Are you lazy? Are you educated? You can answer no then yes, but your actions will say otherwise.

Some will say they don’t care what others think. I can understand that in certain situations. However, I don’t live worrying about what others think of me.

But it behooves all of us to be viewed as courteous and educated in our written communications. That’s how you build relationships and avoid misunderstandings. (For business, your email etiquette needs to be at an entirely different level if you want to succeed.)

With family and friends, informality can prevail and not negatively impact. They know you best.

However, with folks who do not yet know what a great person you are, a lack of basic courtesies can leave a poor impression. That doesn’t bode well for building upon that relationship.

So if you were to start right now and could do just three simple things to help improve how you are perceived by email, would you?

Email Etiquette Tips to Put to Work Right Now

  1. Always use a greeting and closing: Hey, Hello, Thank you, Take care.
  2. Type in complete sentences using proper structure and grammar.
  3. Spell-check, then spell-check again.

Are the above three tips the end all be all? Of course not. But for those who want to be a delight to communicate with, these tips will get you off to a running start.

Hungry for more?

This entire website is online 24/7 for those who want to learn the ins and outs of proper email use. My “101 Email Etiquette Tips” covers the above three tips and 98 more so you can know the “enuances” of communicating with the written word.

Learning to write concise emails is a skill that requires your commitment to work on continually. The reality is that writing well doesn’t come naturally or by osmosis.

Your efforts will ensure your communications are readable and taken seriously, from choosing your words carefully to relaying the desired intent and tone. These skills are honed by every one of us who is serious about being taken seriously to improve our communication skills.

If you start with just these three tips (everyone has to start somewhere) when communicating with new contacts and potential friends, you’ll be surprised how quickly your relationships will form to be those both sides will value.

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