Did You Know There is Website Etiquette?

Contrary to what some may believe, the Web is not an anything-goes environment. It used to be called the “wild wild west,” but those days are pretty much over.
The reality is that usage considerations and courtesies need to be implemented by all users. This makes sure that everyone can have a more enjoyable and productive experience.
Yes, Website Etiquette Exists
When it comes to websites, website owners and visitors alike seem to overlook the human factor. There are living, breathing, real people on both sides of the screen.
If only both sides were to understand and practice the basics. So we’ll cover both.
Below we’ll cover the primary topics that are proven to help website owners produce more ROI. For website visitors, these suggestions will help inquiries be responded to more accurately and concisely.
Basic Etiquette for Website Owners:
Minimize the Intrusive Pop-ups & Ads
Having too many pop-ups and ads (a.k.a. distractions) on your site that take forever to load or block content isn’t going to get clicked on. Take our word for it. We’ll be gone by then.
If you want us to buy your products or services remove any distractions that may get in the way. We don’t care about all that annoying stuff. We just want to find what we are looking for.
Have Consistent, Intuitive Navigation
In the same place on every page throughout your site. This includes the footer of your website.
Don’t use buzzwords or make us wonder what is where. We should be able to tell at a glance and be where we want in no more than two clicks.
Two. Clicks.
Company Contact Information Front and Center
If not on every page in the lower footer area, at the very least on your Contact page, don’t have a “contact page”? No address or phone number? (What are you trying to hide?) No business from us.
Be Clear and Concise About Your Policies
We want to know what to expect if we do business with you. Have your policies posted on your site where we can readily find them for review. Have a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) page to provide the info site visitors are looking for. You know what those questions are because your customers ask you all the time.
Get asked something more than once — add it to your FAQ page.
Respond Quickly and in Detail to Inquiries
Don’t send us canned or generic responses that do not address our specific question. That’s where automation can make you look bad. The more personal, detailed, and prompt you respond, the more likely we will do business with you.
Be sure to ask contacts to add your email address to their whitelist or approved senders so your response gets through. You accomplish this with a note on your contact page and the thank you page that displays once the contact form is submitted.
Correct Errors Quickly
When you receive an email about a broken link, a typo, or functionality that isn’t working right, do your best to correct it at your earliest convenience. Then, thank the site visitor who brought the issue to your attention via email.
Remember that regardless of their motives for pointing out your errors to you (some are kind and understanding while others will be condescending and terse), they just helped improve your site.
Basic Etiquette for Website Visitors:
Take the Time to Review the Website
Make sure that the site’s focus will cover what you are seeking. Sites cannot be everything to everyone, and most are not. Don’t email an apple site about where to find the best oranges. Look for and review the site’s FAQ before emailing for help to ensure you are in the right place.
Take the Time to Read the Offered Material
Good customers do not email asking questions that, with little effort, the answers could be found on the website. With all the information provided at your fingertips, take the time to read it.
This includes reading the FAQ, privacy statements, and order policies. Do this before you engage in doing business with any website.
Type Clearly and Concisely
All caps or all lowercase, poor grammar, and typos make your inquiries appear less credible. Understand most site owners are extremely busy answering genuine customer emails to build their businesses.
Emails that appear to be from a sixth grader or, worse, someone who could be trouble to do business with are less likely to receive serious consideration for a response.
Read Help Files and Tutorials
Always check for provided support information that is there to assist you before you email for support simply because you don’t want to make an effort to read and learn. Indeed, if you still have questions after making a sincere effort, emailing asking for help in a kind and courteous manner will ensure a response.
Take the time to follow any directions to add the website’s email address to your whitelist or approved senders so that you can receive their response. Always check your junk/trash folders before you assume there is no response.
Live Online Chat Courtesy
Be as courteous as possible — just as if you were face-to-face with the support agent. These folks are there to help you.
Type using proper sentence structure, grammar, and spelling so the site owner can understand what you need. Then, once your session is complete, thank the operator for their time and assistance. That always makes their day!
Reporting Errors
Refrain from pointing out website errors in public comments, social media, or forums. When something isn’t right, or the link isn’t working as it should, email the site owner in a kind and helpful manner.
Provide as much information as you can about what you perceive is wrong in such a way that indicates you want to help the site owner make their site the best it can be. Don’t be judgmental or condescending.
Remember, how you approach those you don’t know about their shortcomings speaks volumes about the kind of person you are. And the type of customer you will be.
Always Think About the Other Side
Both website owners and site visitors often think about themselves and what they want rather than give thought to the other side. Wouldn’t it be nice if the reverse was reality?